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Tile Grout Cleaning Services in Houston, TX

Tile and Grout Cleaning

Cleaning tile grout is a challenge because it contains microscopic pores that trap dirt below the surface, making total access impossible with general cleaning tools. However, if you use the right cleaners, tools, sealers and techniques, cleaning grout surfaces is indeed possible.

Benefits of Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning

We offer grout and tile cleansing services that can set your tiles right whatever their current condition. Whether a simple tile and grout cleaning job or one that needs extensive repair and re-grouting, we have the solutions for you.

At Carpet Cleaning Houston TX we apply latex based topical sealers to the top of the grout following a thorough cleaning and drying. This prevents dirt from getting into the pores later on.

This also protects grout lines and minimizes the need to re-grout in addition to minimizing the darkening effects of bacteria in grout.

Cleaning Method for Tile and Grout

Although there are various methods available for cleaning the grout lines, the method we will choose for your tile depends on whether your grout has been sealed properly or not.

Although there are numerous commercial grout cleaners available in shops that claim to be specially designed for cleaning grout, most of them are overloaded with bleaching agents and toxic chemicals. If you use these kinds of cleaners when your grout is not properly sealed, the grout's color will begin to diminish. Also, these cleaners are toxic and may not be safe for children.

DIY Options

If you are looking for a home solution, you can try using a mixture of vinegar and ammonia in water.

You can also try buying a steam cleaner or, the best option of all, you can call Carpet Cleaning Houston at 713-344-1583 and we will do the job in the most professional and effective manner for a very sensible price.

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Tile and Grout Cleaning in Houston

We use the latest tile and grout cleaning equipment for cleaning various surfaces like ceramic tile, and marble tiles. We employ equipment that not only cleans out stubborn stains, but also those that attack the very build up of dust.

Our skilled and specialized tile and grout cleaning experts also know the correct tools, cleansers and methods to use according to the type of your tile surface and its current condition.

Although there are various ways of doing it all yourself, there is nothing like hiring professionals who have done the job effectively a thousand times before.

Hire Carpet Cleaning Houston now to gain access to the best way of lengthening the life of your floor and retaining its youthful appearance.

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Carpet Cleaning Houston TX
Carpet Cleaning Service  |  Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
Prairie St, Houston, TX 77002  
Phone: 713-344-1583  | 
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